This is a recipe for homemade eggnog that you can make to work for many different food intolerances including dairy free and SCD compliant. I hope you enjoy and have a great holiday season! INGREDIENTS 4 large eggs 2 egg yolks 3⁄8 cup honey 1⁄4 teaspoon sea salt 7 whole […]

If you’re like me, you look forward to Thanksgiving for most of the year. I love seeing family and settling in for the winter, but mostly I love all the amazing food! When I was young, big family meals weren’t nearly as complicated as they are now because everybody was […]

Have you heard of the low FODMAP diet? Or tried the Autoimmune Paleo protocol? Maybe you’re considering going gluten free? Diets such as these that are meant to address health conditions, especially digestive issues, have become very popular. Not only are more functional medicine practitioners recommending some of these diets […]

Whole Grain Morning Glory Muffins (Gluten free with vegan and low-FODMAP options) When you have to make changes to your diet — especially if you have to eliminate some of your favorite foods — sometimes all you need is one tasty snack to help you adjust. These muffins are great […]

The other day I had a good chuckle when my 6 year old daughter showed me a “book” she had created while I was busy working. She proudly read what she had written about me, “My mom is a dietitianer nutritioner and she helps people with their food issues.” What […]